14 Nov

Do you know the greatest stress of running happens when the placing of foot coincides with the inception of an exhalation? That is if you are exhaling continuously when the left foot is hitting the ground, the left portion of the body will suffer the maximum running stress. So there is a need to create a pattern which shall coordinate with the foot placing and breathing.

This can only be done by using the method of rhythmic breathing and. It will not just help you in effective running but will also coherently give you injury free running sessions.

What is The Stress of Running?

When we hit the ground while running we actually hit thrice the weight of our body to the ground, through our foot. This stress impact is strongest when the foot strikes the ground in the starting of exhalation. As during the process of exhalation the core is least stable, the muscles are in the relaxed state, because of which the probability of injury is increased three folds than the normal.

So therefore if you land on the same foot again and again while exhaling, you end up making one side more vulnerable than the other for injury. Rythmic breathing is following a pattern of inhalation and exhalation. This can be done by concentrating on the breathing mechanism and conscious breathing while jogging, when you end up coordinating the foot alternatively with breathing cycle, you can increase your speed slowly and start the running session.

It is about coordinating the landing of the foot with the process of inhalation and exhalation in an alternate pattern. In simple term it is like carrying the “pithu” bag or the bag pack with both straps on, so that you don’t end up giving weight only on one shoulder.

Happy Running!!

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