26 Dec

Diaphragmatic breathing helps toughen your diaphragm which in turn helps you to breathe properly. This is also called abdominal breathing or the belly breathing exercise. This is the basic exercise, taught for all sorts of meditations and relaxation techniques. It helps in tackling stress issues, blood pressure problems and reducing diabetes too. If you are going through sleeplessness, anxiety, mood swings or any sort of trauma then this exercise is your solution.

Following are some of the major benefits of Diaphragmatic breathing are:

  • It lowers the damaging effects cortisol, the stress hormone of the body.

  • It reduces the thumping of the heart, during anxious moments.

  • It helps to lower blood pressure.

  • It aids in coping up with the symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

  • It recovers core muscle stability.

  • Improves tolerance level and immunity

  • Rate of breathing is controlled and it helps in expending less energy

  • Reduce stress

Being worried weakens the immune system of a human body. This makes you more liable to bad health conditions. And with time, chronic stress, can lead to deeper anxiety. Deep breathing exercises will help you lessen the effects of stress.

For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it is especially advisable to do diaphragmatic breathing. As with COPD and related respiratory issues, like asthma the lungs lose the elasticity, and they hardly return to their original state when we exhale. This is why the air is built up in the lungs, so there is not as much space for your diaphragm to contract for inhalation.

Due to which the body uses neck, and chest muscles to breathe. This reduces that amount of oxygen you should take in. This results in breathlessness and other respiratory issues. deep breathing techniques helps you exhale the air build up in the lungs.